Free Tutorial On How To Make A Compare And Contrast Essay

The term comparison and contrasting essays are very common, and they are freelance essay topics given to all students. In this kind of thesis, the student needs to compare between two or more ideas or products and see what are the differences between them and what are the points they have in common. There are different ways in which these freelance essays are written:

  1. You need first to research the topic of your thesis. At first, you need to do the homework before starting on the dissertation. You should be able to find points that are linked to the two products or ideas. There should be points of similarities as well as differences.
  2. Your dissertation topic should be one which interests you and which you know a lot about or even one you can research about in great detail.
  3. When you have researched on the topic, then you need to list down all the points of commonality as well as all the points of differences. You can even do that by drawing a Venn diagram. Based on your research and the homework done, you should decide on what are the most important and interesting things to be written about.
  4. The thesis can start either by a question to the reader or a quotation or say or even an anecdote. This will be the start of the article and introduce the subject, and the reader will also get to know why the comparison is being made. This is termed as the introduction.
  5. Once the introduction is done, then the main body of the dissertation needs to be split into various sections.
  6. Section 1 should only write about the first product or idea.
  7. Section 2 should only write about the second idea or product
  8. Both the topics need to be analyzed together in the third para.
  9. The next consists of comparing how each is different followed by the paragraph which informs how each are similar.
  10. At least 3 similarities and three differences should be mentioned.
  11. The conclusion should be what the user needs to remember and not a repetition of what was already informed.

If you follow these steps, your dissertation will have a proper flow and sequence to it and the user will be engaged right from the start. This is what is needed to show the reader that enough and more homework has gone into creating the topic.

Save Time for Editing

Once the writing is done, the student has just a rough draft. For this rough draft to become a final draft, the student needs to edit it first. Students may want to change the font size for a larger one so that the writing seems new. This will make it easier to spot errors as the student reads through their work. The student may also want to ask a teacher or friend for help so that they can catch every error that occurs in their writing.

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